Landlords can manage their recordkeeping task in a variety of ways which can range from using a simple paper ledger to expensive sophisticated software. We’re going to take a look at as an ideal landlord accounting solution because it’s free, and it generates powerful reports when tracking rental property income and expenses.
Yes, you read correctly . . . is free. Landlords do not need to pay anything to use this tool. Most accounting software, like QuickBooks, Buildium, and RentecDirect, are fairly expensive, especially for the small landlord. Tracking rental property income and expenses is not the most exciting task, but it is a very important task. Making landlord accounting easy where you simply just record dates, vendors/customers, and amounts according to simple drop down menus makes the entire process painless.
Every business wants to know how well it is doing, and landlording is no exception. Generating reports from income and expenses that are tracked is powerful. provides instant reports that matter, like Profit & Loss and a 1040 Schedule E helper. Because follows the income and expense categories used by the IRS’ Form 1040 Schedule E, the helper report makes tax time easier. You wouldn’t be able to generate such powerful reports if you were using a paper ledger or a simple spreadsheet for landlord accounting.
There is a lot of different accounting software to choose from. Because landlord accounting is such an important task, we encourage you to consider It’s free and provides powerful reports that tell you how your landlording business is doing all the while making tax time a whole lot easier.