What is RentalIncomeExpense.com?

A free online service that allows landlords to track rental income and expenses and instantly generate profit & loss and tax reports.

How much does this cost?

It's free! RentalIncomeExpense.com is brought to you by ClearNow, an online rent payment service for landlords. After using RentalIncomeExpense.com, you may want to upgrade your account to include ClearNow's online rent payment. ClearNow's reasonable fees have made rent collection easy and efficient for landlords.

Why should I use RentalIncomeExpense.com?

Expensive property management software is overkill for the small landlord - costing more in time and money than it is worth. On the other hand, an Excel spreadsheet isn't nearly powerful enough.

RentalIncomeExpense.com is the best of all worlds.

  • FREE
  • Designed for landlords
  • Instant reports that matter (such as P&L and the 1040 Schedule E helper)
  • Backed by ClearNow's proven online infrastructure (since 2000)
  • Access to ClearNow's superior customer support (Monday thru Friday 9am to 5pm ET)

What else does RentalIncomeExpense.com offer?

Through your RentalIncomeExpense.com account, you can access a powerful and hassle-free tenant screening service.

  • FREE to you. Rental applicants pay a fee ($40) when they submit their report to you.
  • Designed for landlords - easy to use, no site inspection!
  • A complete report for you - credit score, criminal background check, eviction report, and an easy-to-understand recommendation - delivered to you in seconds!

Click Here to sign up for this tenant screening service.